Leo Mauya is a 16 year old Junior here at Granite Falls High School. He was born in Kenya and moved to Oklahoma when he was 2 years old. He stayed in Oklahoma for 10 years before finally moving to Washington. He is very dedicated towards his passions and is always striving to better himself academically and in his sports. Leo does a variety of activities such as soccer, lifting weights, and wrestling.
Leo has attained many accomplishments throughout these activities. However, the one he is most proud of is when he got into the National Honors Society. He feels this is his greatest accomplishment because it reflects the hard work he’s put into his school work. Even so, Leo still has much bigger goals for the future.
Since starting Sno-Isle, Leo has found a great passion for software engineering and video game development. He is currently learning to create video games at Sno-Isle through their Video Game Design course in hopes to one day, create his own video game. Following that path, he plans on going to a four year college to get a Masters degree in software engineering. Although he deems college unnecessary to follow his passions, he wishes to make his mother happy by attending college. Further down the road he wishes to start his own Video Game development company.
While being only 16, Leo had this wisdom to give to anyone wanting to chase a dream, “My word of advice is to think of life as a series of obstacles that can be overcome through patience and critical thinking.”.
One of Leo’s favorite things about Granite is the friends he’s made during his time here. He says although he could’ve made friends anywhere else, he’s glad he made friends here.