Senior Johnathan Roberts is a captain for the Granite Falls Boys Varsity Basketball team. Johnathan’s primary position is shooting guard (S

G), and he has been playing organized basketball since the 7th grade. He said what intrigued him about joining the sport was his interest in seeing what it would take for him to get where he is today. Roberts continued to play basketball over the course of his high school career because it helped to take his mind off of the negative things in life.
Looking back on his final season playing basketball, Johnathan says something that made this season the most memorable for him was winning more than two games. A favorite memory from this past season for Johnathan, was getting to beat the Bush Blazers and ruin their undefeated win streak. When asked what he will miss most from these past few months, Johnathan says it would have to be his team’s practices. According to Roberts, practice is always a good time, and the team knows how to keep it fun.

Senior Jack McGill is one of the captains for our Granite Falls Boys Varsity Basketball team. Jack, a small forward, has been a valuable member of the team for four years now. Jack started playing basketball in the second grade, but says he has loved it his whole life. Growing up, he used to love watching the older kids play. He thought it was so cool to watch how fast they would run and to see how good they’d played. For Jack, basketball is an escape from reality. He uses basketball to flee the pressure of his everyday life, and he enjoys the time spent with his friends and teammates on the court.
Out of all his seasons playing, he says this, his senior year, has been the most memorable. He is proud to say that the boys’ team has made it to the playoffs for the first time in his career. Something he says he will miss most from his high school years of basketball will be the bus rides coming home from away games, and if he has to choose a favorite memory it would be the white elephant gift exchange they did this past Christmas with both the boys and the girls varsity basketball teams.