Struggling to stay warm? Dress weather-appropriate! Wear a hat, gloves, and winter clothes. Tip: Don’t wear cotton. Cotton will dampen from precipitation, and since it tends to hold on to water longer than other materials, it takes more time to dry and makes you feel colder. Instead, try wearing fleece or wool!
Frozen pipes? Keep your faucets, showerheads, and outdoor hoses running on a low trickle to help prevent freezing. For exposed pipes, visit Granite Falls Hardware to purchase foam pipe insulation! It’s cheap, quick, and easy to install!
Seasonal depression got you down? Stay connected with others! Winter can be isolating, especially since practically everyone is indoors. Make sure to keep in touch with family and friends.
Empty agenda? Find a new hobby! Hobbies can help reduce stress and boredom. They’re also good for finding others with the same interests. Tip: find a winter-exclusive activity, such as sledding, ice skating, or skiing. Better yet, find a winter-loving friend to give you activity ideas. Here are some links for easy beginner crafts!
Beginner Crochet Scarf: https://tinyurl.com/yfjrnrw4
Beginner Candle Making: https://tinyurl.com/yc3a7yd6
Fun with friends! Start a snowball fight with them! Just be sure to set rules before playing so nobody gets seriously injured. Fun fact: Yukigassen is an international, professionally played snowball-fighting tournament from Japan. It means “snow battle” in English.
Don’t overwork yourself! Shoveling or walking in snow for long periods can lead to overexertion, which can cause inflammation and other injuries. Try taking breaks when needed.
Like to bake or just getting started? Learn a new recipe to improve your baking abilities and help you discover new dishes. Be sure to cook food thoroughly, and don’t burn down any buildings. Here are some links to delicious seasonal recipes!
Hot Chocolate Cookies: https://tinyurl.com/3vf7pcmr
Easy Pumpkin bread: https://tinyurl.com/y33jxne4
Are you prepared? Stock up on batteries, candles, flashlights, and other essential power outage equipment needs before a blackout occurs. (Fun fact: all this stuff is at Granite Falls Hardware and IGA.) If an outage does occur, make sure to keep refrigerators and freezers shut. And seriously, don’t use a car to charge electronic devices or a stove or oven to heat your home.
Always feeling cold, even though your heater is on? It may be due to poor insulation! Feel around your exterior doors and windows; if the surrounding areas are noticeably cold, you probably need better insulation. While this applies to everyone, if you live in an older house you’re probably affected by this more than you think. Stop by local Granite Falls Hardware for vinyl or foam weather stripping, along with any other insulating needs!
Click, Clack, Moo; You Can Use an Electric Blanket Too! Ever read Doreen Cronin’s Click, Clack, Moo? If you have, you’ve probably noticed the happiness of the cows at the end. (If you haven’t read it, you can find it at a Sno-Isle Library.) It’s because they have electric blankets. Get an electric blanket. Be like the cows. (Just do it responsibly because they are, obviously, electric and pose a possible fire hazard. I’m talking about the blankets, not the cows) Plus, electric blankets do not require as much energy as many space heaters, so if you have limited electricity, they’re an ideal heating option.
Tired of cold, wet feet? There’s an easy fix! While heading out, begin with socks as usual, but try putting old, clean grocery bags on your feet before your boots! Simply put your foot in and wrap the remaining plastic; the bag will act as a waterproof layer, keeping the water and snow away from your socks!
Have a wood stove or fireplace? Begin stocking up on fuel sources, such as twigs, dryer lint, and cardboard rolls. The lint-stuffed rolls are highly flammable and make a great fire starter! Form a wide base tower with the sticks and place the firestarter under. Once the sticks and other kindling have caught fire, carefully place larger pieces of wood on top. Be sure to not add too many, you don’t want to suffocate it! Use caution around the fire!