James Porter is one of the Captains for our Granite Falls High School baseball team. He has been playing baseball for 12 years, beginning at the age of six, and once he began playing, he never looked back. Over his baseball career, James has played two positions: he played shortstop before moving to Granite Falls, and now plays his main position, as catcher. As catcher, Porter’s primary job is to block the ball, and frame pitches. He says his favorite part of playing is hitting and barreling a baseball. According to James, the GFHS team’s ability to not give up when adversity strikes is what makes the baseball team more unique and special than surrounding teams. He began playing the sport because his dad played baseball in college, and James wanted to be like him, and do the same.
Porter has been given the opportunity to attend Olympic Community College in Bremerton for baseball, and will be joining his new team this upcoming Fall. To James, baseball is a platform for him to share his beliefs to the people and world around him. Baseball contributes a lot to his life as being something he loves and is passionate about. His message to those who are interested in playing baseball is that, “once you get the feeling of striking a baseball, you’ll want to play for the rest of your life.”