Michael Wood
This was it. It was going to be our year, and man oh man, we came extremely close. With a lot of good themes thrown out throughout the beginning parts of planning our BOTC, the Junior class chose The Jungle Book as its theme (personally, I thought Minecraft was an excellent option for a theme, but perhaps next year).
Although spirit days weren’t necessarily a class favorite, we more than made up for it with our excellent scores in the sporting events, and hallway decorations. Winning 1st place in hallway decorations (15 points, sorry not sorry Seniors), first place in Macho Volleyball (10 points), and first place in Powderpuff Football (10 points), the Juniors were off to a great start.
However, it was the main event that got to us. We would’ve had the seniors tied, if it weren’t for the skit. Speaking as a Junior, I thought Alex, Leo, and John’s performances in the skit were excellent, and very amusing to all classes, so it seems strangely convenient that we just happen to take third place in the skit, which puts the seniors in third place. But of course, it’s not like we think the game is rigged or anything… In any case the main event was a whirlwind of excitement, laughter, yelling, and amazement. All classes performed so well, and everyone is already so excited for BOTC next year.
Even though we might not have taken first place in the main event, we did better this year than any other year at BOTC, and for that, everyone should be proud. We showed that we have what it takes to make BOTC awesome, and I know that next year will for sure be our year. Congratulations to everyone in the class of 2025, and thanks to everyone who participated. Next year, we got this!