Michael Wood
This year the class of 2024 spent many days trying to find the perfect theme for our final Battle of The Classes. After many different ideas,we finally decided on an 80s theme.. Walking through our thoroughly decorated hallway, it was clear that we put forth much effort and care into it.. By incorporating many different monumental elements from the time like music, bright colors, music, and fun games, the seniors were really able to bring you back to the 80s. Led by our 4 year advisor, and GFHS teacher Mrs. McGarr, we worked hard to make their last year unforgettable. By taking second place to the juniors during this year’s Macho Volleyball game, we made sure to make up the points at the event by getting first place for crowd support, totaling out to 13 points the night of the 21st. And the freshmen stealing first place at Powderpuff Football for crowd support couldn’t go undermined, as the seniors stole third place from them gaining a total of 9 points. In addition to this nail-biting BOTC season, the night of the big finale, our seniors did not disappoint! Stealing first place for dizzy bat (7 points) and for Dodgeball (10 points) the seniors gave it their all and more. Coming forth second place during Skin the Snake (5 points), then third for Stroke the Boat (3 points), and last for the Mystery Event, the seniors were left in the tight spot for being the overall winners of BOTC. Luckily their hard work in decorating the gym (10 points) and outstanding skit performance (14 points) paid off, and added an extra 24 points to our final score, in addition to the 10 points gained by our outstanding crowd support! Congratulations to the class of 2024 seniors who pulled through in order to win Battle of the Classes with 118 points!